Become a Sponsor

Partner with Atlantic Canada’s leading contemporary dance company

Mocean Dance partners with corporations and businesses keen to promote Atlantic Canada’s reputation as a creative, contemporary and dynamic commercial hub. Recognized for our leadership and passion in the field, we create exceptional contemporary dance experiences that provide artistic opportunities and promote community engagement. Our activities share the joy of dance, and its potential as a unique vehicle for health and social-wellbeing.

We offer exciting corporate benefits, with opportunities to support a range of programming areas, to align with your organization’s impact goals.

Contact us today to learn more about how a Mocean partnership can work for you. 

Becoming a Mocean sponsor means:

  • Being associated with a brand that is creative, dynamic, and authentic, with a vibrant public image and exceptional goodwill.
  • Connecting with a cultural organization that positions your company at the heart of Atlantic Canadian culture.
  • Helping to raise Nova Scotia’s profile as a cultural hub.
  • Being recognized as a leader in the community, participating in the development of social well-being through contemporary dance.
  • Enjoying considerable visibility among an educated and community-minded clientele that is attuned to the impact of arts & culture.

Sponsorship Opportunities

A man leans on another person's shoulder, lifting one hand.

Dancing Kmɨtkinu (in progress) by shalan joudry and Sarah Prosper. Photo by Kevin MacCormack. Performer: Isaac Abriel

Activating Artistic Visions
Support our creative projects

Sable Ocean Dance Project
Artists and scientist from the Sable Island Institute team up to advance environmental education for youth through the arts.

Dancing Kmɨtkinu
Indigenous artists lead a new multi-sensory creation calling for solidarity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.

A woman dances with an arm draped over her head in front of a mirror showing many others in the room.

Photo by l'thandi Munro

Developing Dynamic Artists
Support programs for a thriving dance community:

Emerging Artist Initiatives
Emerging Artists-In-Residence program provides important opportunities for creation and performance, with skilled mentorship.

Mocean Morning Training
Providing ongoing professional-level training to sustain and grow local dance artist's movement practices.

CLEaR Forum 
(Choreographic Lab, Exploration, and Research)
Residency opportunity supporting dance artists to incubate their ideas and develop their choreographic skills.

Two caucasian females stand side by side against a dark background. One female is a senior and the other late 30s, they both stand with face focused upward arms lifted in an open accepting gesture.

Stories to share side by side (2024) Created and performed by Communities in Mocean participants and Mocean dance artists. Photo by Kevin MacCormack. Performers: Susan Cameron and Sarah Hopkin

Healthy, Connected Communities
Support dance for communities of all ages and levels:

Moving with Mocean
Free, inclusive dance classes at Halifax Public Libraries with live music accompaniment.

Communities in Mocean - Older Adults Dance Project
New dances created by and for seniors at long term care homes and public libraries, guided by artists.

Spring Blooms | The Dance of Life
Bringing communities of different life stages together for an uplifting evening of dance.