Current Works


Mocean Dance is dedicated to infusing the company with the work of guest artists. In addition to works by company members Susanne Chui, Sara Coffin and founders Carolle Crooks Fernando, Sara Harrigan, and Lisa Phinney Langley, Mocean has worked with several outstanding and influential choreographers, as well as emerging talent.

Serge Bennathan
Cory Bowles
Susie Burpee
Estelle Clareton
Danièle Desnoyers
Lesandra Dodson
Susan Elliott
Claire French
Emily Gualtieri
Leica Hardy
Allen and Karen Kaeja
Andrea Leigh-Smith
Sharon Moore
Gwen Noah
Rebecca Lazier
Howard Richard
Tedd Robinson
Roger Sinha
Heidi Strauss
Michael Trent
Lydia Zimmer
Syreeta Hector
Sarah Prosper
Jacinte Armstrong

Past Dancers

Jacinte Armstrong
Rhonda Baker
Solene Bernier
Carolle Crooks Fernando*
Kathleen Doherty
Melanie Ferro
Sara Harrigan*
Sarah Hopkin
Kate Houston
Tania Jean
Ruth-Ellen Kroll Jackson
Lukas Malkowski
Sarah Murphy
Alicia Orr*
Lisa Phinney Langley*
Liliona Quarmyne
Julie Robert
Sarah Rozee*
Gillian Seaward-Boone
Georgia Skinner
Darryl Tracy
Elise Vanderborght
Naishi Wang
Anastasia Wiebe
Lydia Zimmer
(*Mocean Founder)


Collaboration is key to Mocean’s creative process. Here are some of the other wonderful artists and organizations with whom the company has had the pleasure of collaborating.

John D.S Adams
Erin Donovan
Kenneth Doren
Jeremy Mimnagh
Sandy Moore
Brian Riley
Phil Thomson
David Albert Toth
Doug Cameron
J.Anthony Granelli
Nick Maclean
Nick Dourado
Andrew MacKelvie
Ross Burns
Norman Adams
Doug Cameron
Bertrand Chenier
Andrew Jackson
Ellen Gibling
India Gailey
Kelvin Mansaray
Media Design
Nick Bottomley
Andrew Hawryshkewich
Stewart Legere
Technical Direction
Marcel Boulet
Benoit Whitehead-Gravel
Lighting Design
Geoff Bouckley
Bob Daly
Philippe Dupeyroux
Stephane Menigot
Marc Parent
Rebecca Picherack
Martin Saintonge
Ron Snippe
Leigh Ann Vardy
Benoit Whitehead-Gravel
Costume Design
Holly Crooks
Jessy Lacourciere
Rachael Grant
Kate Mitchell
Rehearsal Directors
Julia Aplin
Sophie Corriveau
Ginelle Chagnon
Catherine Walker
Gillian Seaward-Boone
Other Collaborators
Mary Ellen MacLean, Actor
Rohan Fernando, Filmmaker
Creative Music Workshop
Dalhousie School of Architecture
Dance Nova Scotia
Halifax Dance
Hear Here Productions
Kinetic Studio
Live Art Dance Productions
1313 Music Association
Sable Island Institute
Nestuita'si Storytelling