Utawtiwow Kijinaq - Our Mother's Road

Commissioned and premiered by Mocean Dance (2022)

Choreography: Sara Coffin and Sarah Prosper
2 dancers | 20 minutes

Co-Choreographed by Mocean Co-Artistic Director Sara Coffin, and Eskasoni First Nation dance artist Sarah Prosper, this cross-cultural and cross-generational duet explores the spiritual and emotional qualities of water. Two perspectives meet as the performers process their histories and relationships with water, and with each other, moving towards connection and balance. Inspired by the life-giving sacredness of mother earth and the four sacred waters - Fresh, Rain, Body and Sea - water is our honoured protector guiding us down the flowing paths of Our Mother's Road - Utawtiwow Kijinaq. 

Fluid Forms, Mocean's 20th Anniversary Mainstage

Sara Coffin and Sarah Prosper

Rehearsal Support
Gillian Seaward-Boone and Alexis Milligan

Sound Design
Brian Riley with Sarah Prosper, with excerpts from Deya Dova (Ancient Creation Mother), Eastern Owl (Water Chant), Garth Stevenson (Earth), Beautiful Chorus (Faith’s Hymn), the late honourable Sarah Denny of Eskasoni First Nation (Ego), and Aaron Prosper singing Sacred Ground by Michael R. Denny and Children’s Prayer Song by the Blacklodge Singers

Set Construction
Leesa Hamilton with Dakota Burpee

Lighting Design
Leigh Ann Vardy

Costume Design
Kate Mitchell

Fluid Forms Study Guide